Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's been a while!

It has been a while sense I have posted anything. I have not given up. Just a short break. I started Fertili Tea the other day. Drinking 2 cups a day everyday. I am also on prenatal vitamins. I am thinking of ordering the ultra greens from I am also down to 1 cup of coffee a day which is really good for me. I was drinking at least 6 or 7 cups. I also put my husband on FertilAid. He takes 3 pills a day. I haven't quit smoking yet, but that is next. I figured one bad habbit at a time. Sense I didn't do so good trying to quit all at once. Now that I am down to one cup of coffee my next step is NO COFFEE!!! Even though I love it so much. I haven't really missed it that much. I have high hopes about the tea. I think it is great for fertility. And hoping it helps me. The tea is all organic and has a ton of great stuff in it. It has a minty taste to it. I really enjoy it. I drink a cup in the morning and one in the evening. Well this is all for now. I will keep you updated.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Foods That Aid Conception

There are lot of things to do if a woman plans to get pregnant. She has to be emotionally and of course, physically ready to welcome a new member to the family. A healthy diet and proper nutrition play a key role in conception.

Pregnancy is not simple. To some women it can be complicated, most likely if they don’t prepare themselves to the changes that they are about to go through in the entire semesters of conception – complications can be encountered.

First, you have to eat healthily, try to include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (organic preferably), complex carbohydrates, dairy, meat or other protein. Make sure that everything that you eat is fresh. Quality is the name of the game. Eating food as close to its natural state as possible ensures maximum nutrition -- you have to make sure that your eating habits are improved. Instead of greasy burgers consider a healthy salad to fill you up.

Second, keep your food intake in moderation. Remember that everything that you take in excess can harm you. Maintain a healthy food diet. This will help you not to gain more than what is ideal for your body mass index. Some women are asked to keep an ideal weight so as not to jeopardize the chances of getting pregnant.

Thirdly, reduce or totally eliminate coffee, alcohol, or cigarettes. According to studies, most of the substances in caffeine can lessen the chances of getting pregnant. Smoking constricts your blood vessels, which reduces nutrient intake. Worse, it can affect ovarian function, and adversely affect the unborn child. Alcohol affects and lowers female fertility and increases defects in babies.

Fourthly, take vitamin supplements. Taking vitamins like folic acid, which helps in preparation of pregnancy. Most experts usually recommend folic acid intake months before you planned to get pregnant. Folic acid, a
B vitamin, helps prevent birth defects of the brain and spinal cord when taken very early in pregnancy. It is available in most multivitamins, as a folic acid-only supplement and in some foods. Some studies also suggest that folic acid may also protect women and men from heart disease, stroke, colon cancer and breast cancer.

Lastly, I know that sometimes eating healthy is not enjoyable because it means discipline. But if you really, really wanted to get pregnant you have to consider a good and healthy nutrition plan. You have to commit yourself to this activity and you have to keep it in your mind that you have to do it and start believing that you can do it – then eventually, you will do it.

Source: Powell

Egg meets Sperm Plan!

Today is going to be a great day! Got up in a great mood and I am going to get some stuff done around the house today. We are supposed to get some storms and I love them as long as they are not severe. My son is a little full of it today but nothing I can't handle. He has a bit of an attitude problem. He has some pent up energy so I need to get him out of the house tomorrow.
I started a the egg meets sperm plan and hoping it will work. I will be starting my ovulation tests today and very curious on that subject. I am pretty sure I ovulate because my cycles are very regular so we will see. I have met another woman who is having trouble getting pregnant and she said she don't ovulate. So I am going to see if I do.
I have a very positive attitude on getting pregnant. I think that I will and pray every night that I will. But if I don't that is okay too. I have my little boy and he keeps me very busy. I am so blessed with my family and love them so much. I am so thankful for everything.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Has anyone tried Fertilaid? I have doing a lot of research on the topic and it looks like it could be a great choice. Go to and check it out! The website says that it can help with fertility. If anyone has tried this or has any information I would love to hear from you!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I know it's been a while!

I know it's been a while sense I have posted anything.I have not given up. I kinda put trying to get pregnant on hold. I have been so busy with everyday stuff. But I will be posting regularly again. I have been drinking my smoothies and taking prenatal vitamins everyday. And I bought pregnancy tests and ovulation test on ebay. It was a great deal I got 30 ovulation test and 10 preg tests for 6 bucks. Still working on the smoking but it is getting better. I will be starting the smoking patch on the 14th. I am excited to quit. It has been a battle for me but I am determined to do it.

There are two different websites that I am going to follow starting this month.
One is It's called Sperm Meets Egg Plan. Check it out it's very interesting and worth a try. And the other is It's called Vitex/B6 Fertility Recipe. Very interesting also. I am going to try them together after I go to the doctor and have a checkup to make sure I am healthy and ready. And talk to her about what I have found. You should always talk to your doctor just to be safe. I am so excited to start with these and praying that we succeed with a pregnancy.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cutting down

This is the first day of cutting down on the cigarettes and coffee. I am staring by keeping track of how much I smoke. And how much coffee I drink today and then I am going to take one cigarette and 1 half cup of coffee away a day. I am cutting down on the coffee by a half a cup so I will not go through the caffeine withdraws. I will be posting on how well I am doing through this process. After I finally kick these two habits then my husband and I are going to do a fertility cleanse and start eating better. I am changing my eating habits a little at a time due to how expensive it is to change to organic foods.

I have been trying some new smoothies and so far I haven't been able to finish either one of them. The first one was a mango, banana, apple, and some spinach. It was terrible! I guess I need to stop throwing my own together and follow a recipe. The second one was oatmeal, banana, milk, and oj. It was better but I couldn't finish it because it made me sick to my stomach. I am thinking it was the milk because it makes me sick. I am going to by some organic raw milk because I have read if you are lactose intolerant you can digest it. I am very excited about getting healthy and getting pregnant. Smoothies for Life! Yummy, Fun, and Nutritious!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I babysit my nephew Bryce a few times a week and he is now 7 months old. He is so adorable and getting very mobile. I love being around him and my new niece who is two weeks old. I love babies and love being around all my nieces and nephews. I used to get so upset when I found out someone was pregnant, even if it was one of my sister in laws. I remember I would just cry because I didn't understand why it wasn't my turn. I felt so much hurt and resentment that I would fake a congratulations. I am over that now I didn't feel that with either one of my sister in laws when they told me they were pregnant with there second or third child. I am very happy for both of them and love them very much. It feels so good to not get upset, and to feel happy for them.

New Layout

I know I keep changing my layout and I am sorry. I just can't find one that I like. I will decide soon and will not change it again. I am thinking on leaving it this way because it's simple and I think that it might be better than the other templates that sometimes are really busy. Please just bare with me and I will hopefully decide soon.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


My struggle with infertility and how I am going to overcome it. I haven't been pregnant sense I was 22 and I am now 33. I didn't carry full term, I lost the baby when I was two months along. I haven't been able to conceive sense. I adopted a little boy and he is now 4 years old. He is such a joy and we love him so much. We want to try and have a baby and add to our family. If we don't succeed than that is ok, because we are truly blessed to have our little boy. So all those feelings of sadness and all the other emotions that come with being infertile won't be there this time, because of our little guy. I remember those feelings of negative pregnancy tests and not knowing why you can't get pregnant. So I am hoping I can help some of you along the way, because I am much stronger and I know I can do this.

Tired of Sickness

My son has been sick with a cold and a ear ache in both ears. Now I am waiting on a different antibiotic for him sense the last one didn't work. Now that I am finally getting him better I am sick. Will this ever end? I guess I should start my vitamins, and start eating healthier now. I haven't changed my eating habits yet because I am still trying to get caught up on bills. But after we get through this bump in the road, we will be doing well! And I will be able to concentrate on our new baby!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Infertility and Coffee

I thought I was going to quit having my morning cup of coffee. But it looks like I can have no more that 3 cups a day, so I can have my morning cup and evening cup. I was so happy to find this out because I love it so much. I am starting today with this new approach. I am so exciting to see if all my changes are going to affect my fertility.

I am going to be taking a multivitamin-mineral supplement. Making sure it has the folic acid and iron I need. I am going to put my husband on a supplement with extra vitamin c. I also want to try Vitex, but I am not going to be starting that until I have taken the vitamins for a while. I want to make sure my body is healthy enough to carry a baby first. With no complications.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I am not Infertile

"I am not Infertile"!!! That is what I keep telling myself. I think it helps to stay as positive as you can. I am a very positive person even when things are not looking so good. But it does no good to be negative about it. "I am not infertile". I have been doing so much reading on infertility that it comes down to how well you take care of yourself. I don't take very good care of myself, I don't eat right, I smoke, I drink to much coffee and the list goes on and on. My doctor said if I would quit smoking I will get pregnant. So tomorrow I am going to try harder and wing myself off of the cigarettes. I want to quit anyway so what better reason than for my fertility.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Baby on hold!

I am still reading the fertility diet and still loving it. I am just not reading to fast. By the time I get done with my day with my little boy I am just beat. Feeding him breakfast and all the snacks he needs throughout the day, it is just amazing to me how much a little boy can eat. But at least he is a healthy eater, more so than his mom. Then getting him ready and off to preschool, it is still hard watching him go to school. Everyone said it gets easier and it has but it is still hard. I love the weekends when I don't have to put him on the bus. Then all the housework that I need to keep up on. But it has to get done.

The whole baby thing is on hold right now until I get my finances in order. I have a lot of vitamins, pregnancy tests, ovulation tests, etc. to order. But I am still reading when I can and trying to eat healthy. I am still smoking just as much, but I have cut down on the coffee. I think I will have an easier time with everything once I have everything I need to get my body healthy. So I will keep everyone up to date. But my goal is to be pregnant by New Years. Thanks for reading!


My Niece was born yesterday. She is a beautiful little girl. She was 7lb 6oz with a head of dark hair. The whole family is so happy to finally have her here. She will be home this weekend, my little boy hasn't seen her yet and is very excited. We couldn't take him in the room because he has a pretty bad cough so hopefully he will be better when she is home.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

New Sandwich

I tried a new sandwich today. It was avocado with alfalfa sprouts on whole wheat bread with a little mayo. I ate most of it but I don't think I will ever eat that again. I thought I would give it a try because its very healthy and I love guacamole. I am just kinda testing out some of the recipes I am going to be following and this was the first one. I am a cheeseburger and fries kinda girl, and I don't know if I am going to make it. If you love avocados and alfalfa you will probably love this sandwich. I think it was mostly the texture of the avocado that turned me not so much the taste.

I have been drinking smoothies on and off. They work for me because I am not a fruit lover. So I blend it all together and drink it. I have been making my smoothies out of oranges, bananas, ice, strawberry's, and any kind of juice I have on hand, usually apple because that is my son's favorite. My next step is a green drink and I am going to drink one of those everyday. I hope it goes over better than the avocado sandwich.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Fertility Diet

I am reading the fertility diet and so far it's a great book. I get board on some parts but I think it's because I have done so much reading that I have already read some things that they have put in the book. I am lactose intolerant and I read last night that it can have a big affect on fertility. Still not real sure how to get around that but I need to read a little bit more. The Fertility Diet is a great resource if you need help on what to eat and what not to eat. I am going to be following the Fertility Diet and Blogging along my way. I am starting to change my diet a little at a time.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Trying to be healthy

I am going to be honest with everything I do. I am a smoker and a heavy coffee drinker. I don't drink alcohol very often. And Pepsi I just love....oh well. I am going to give it all up and get healthy no matter how grouchy I get...My poor husband! Right now I am working on the smoking. Cutting down and trying to quit. Wish me luck!!!! Any advice would be great.

My struggle with infertility

I have struggled with infertility for over 10 years. I don't know why I can't conceive but I am not giving up. I started this blog because I know there are so many couples out there who want children and I do too. I am doing a lot of reading and what I am finding is you are not infertile, you are just having a harder time then some. I have read of women in there forty's having there first child. So what did they do to finally conceive? That is what I am researching. I want to try and conceive with out the drugs. So I am going to try everything natural and change my diet. I have read about women that have changed their way of eating and started a exercise
program and got pregnant.

My husband and I adopted in 2005 and being a parent is the most rewarding experience. I want my son to have a brother or sister. He is a wonderful little boy and he is everything us. We want to add to our family so I will be blogging about our journey to pregnancy and everything we are doing to make it happen. I hope you find our blog helpful and I can help some of you along the way.